The Alutiiq people of the Kodiak Archipelago have a rich history and culture that spans thousands of years. Fortunately, there are many resources available to those who are interested in learning more about our living culture. Organizations like the Alutiiq Museum, the Native Village of Afognak, and community advocates have preserved and shared their knowledge on subjects as broad as traditional arts and dance, to subsistence foods, to preserving the oral history of those who came before us.

Koniag has collected a few of those resources we have found most helpful, but encourage you to explore all of the rich materials available from our partners. If you find any broken links or have an item to add to the list please email us.

Kodiak Alutiiq Cultural Values

We are the descendants of the Sugpiaq, the Real People. Understanding our environment and events that have shaped our lives and created the culture of our ancestors is vital for our children’s cultural survival.

The history of our people and our place in the world is a part of who we are today. Kodiak Alutiiq must learn and pass on to younger generations our understanding of our natural world: the sky, land, water, and the animals.

As we meet the challenges and opportunities of living in the twenty-first century, we must continue to live in honor of those things we value:

Our Elders Our heritage language Family and the kinship of our ancestors and living relatives
Ties to our homeland A subsistence lifestyle, respectful and sustained by the natural world Traditional arts, skills, and ingenuity
Faith and spiritual life, from ancestral beliefs to the diverse faiths of today Sharing: we welcome everyone Sense of humor
Learning by doing, observing and listening Stewardship of the animals, land, sky and waters Trust
Our people: we are responsible for each other and ourselves Respect for self, others, and our environment is inherent in all of these values

Native Educators of the Alutiiq Region o Alutiiq Elder’s Council The Alutiiq Academy of Elders